Terms and Conditions

The owner of www.Compatiblesign.com is a “Natural Person”, the public exhibition of his personal data on the website must be protected by the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data based on the  Article 1. The purpose of this Organic Law is to guarantee and protect, with regard to the processing of personal data, the public freedoms and fundamental rights of natural persons, and especially their honour and personal and family privacy.

Exposed the points and to comply with the requirements of the LSSI and without intent to hinder the application of that law, the webmaster of this website will send the information of your personal data to any person or entity that has a direct and lawful interest developing the Art 4.1 of the Data Protection Act. Personal data may only be collected for processing, as well as subject to such processing, when they are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained.To do this you can request it after giving reasons from Compatiblesign.com. In this way we try to prevent unauthorised use of the webmaster’s personal data by third parties under the Data Protection Act, and wish to comply with the obligations of the LSSI.


The intellectual property rights of the content of the web pages, their graphic design and codes are owned by Compatiblesign.com and, therefore, their reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be carried out with the contents of its web pages is forbidden, not even quoting the sources, except with the written consent of Compatiblesign.com.


The Company reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its web pages being able even to limit or not allow the access to this information to certain users.Compatiblesign.com does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in web pages of third parties which can be accessed by “links” or links from any web page property of the Company. The presence of “links” or links on the web pages of Compatiblesign.com; is for information purposes only and in no case is a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them.


Compatiblesign.com is not responsible for the comments made by users, having the right to take appropriate action if the writings are inappropriate and infringe the law insofar as they may be offensive, offensive, include insults, unnecessary sexual allusions, vulgar words, support pedophilia, terrorism and xenophobia.


Unauthorised use of the materials and information contained on the Website may violate intellectual property and other applicable laws. The unauthorised use of the materials and information contained on the Website may violate intellectual property and other applicable laws.

For any questions, suggestions or comments about the legal conditions written on the website, you can contact us through the following form. Contact us. For any questions, suggestions or comments about the legal conditions written on the website, you can contact us through the following form

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