How can you make an Aquarius man fall in love?

If I had to name two people whose attention is the most difficult to get, one would be the Sagittarius man and the other the Aquarius man. The fact is that they are very selective when it comes to what they want to focus on. They will never pay attention to anything that is not interesting to them. In this respect, however, the man born under the zodiac sign Aquarius is worse than Sagittarius. Even Venus has not managed to keep her interest. So how can you win his heart if you don’t have his attention? How can you seduce him and make him interested in you? How do you make an Aquarius man fall in love with you? How do you make him obsessed with you? And how do you know if he is serious about your relationship? Fortunately, astrology knows enough about his personality and psychology!

Here are 7 things you need to know to make an Aquarius man fall madly in love with you!

1. You can’t seduce and conquer an Aquarius man by being like everyone else.

Have you ever seen him do anything ordinary? This man is from another planet, I tell you. Of course he will never fall in love with an ordinary woman. Then how can you impress him? Do it by standing out from the crowd. Make him realise that you are no ordinary woman. Play with what makes you unique. Ask yourself: What makes you unique and distinguishes you from others? That is what will catch his attention.
To attract his attention and seduce him, don’t do to him what others do to him, because he has enough. Make him dream! You must be the promise of a new way of life in his eyes. An adventure in which he could participate.

2. But don’t give him too much attention….

This advice is only for people who are not yet in a relationship with an Aquarius man. If you fall on your feet in adoration before him day and night, he will not care about you. You have to make him feel that he has to conquer you and make an effort to get your attention. This means that you have to make an effort to get something. This is easy to do. However, remember that there is a fine line between being hard to reach and sending the message that you are not interested. Give him enough attention to let him know you are interested in him. How do you do this? For example, you can decide to go out with him but not answer his messages immediately or postpone a date once. Try it: you will see that it works like magic with this man. 3.

3. engage him intellectually to please him.

Ignorant and uneducated people will never get his attention. You must show that you care about the world around you. Because he is very interested in it. Try to keep up to date with what is happening in the world as much as possible. Especially in his favourite topics. You know enough to be able to have a conversation with him. Probably the things he is interested in are things that people are not normally interested in. So if he can find someone to talk to about his passions, chances are he will like that person.

4. Don’t be an open book. Let him find out who you are

My brother is an Aquarius. When he was a kid, whatever we wanted to make interesting, we turned into a mystery. We would always talk about it as if it were a riddle. The solution to the riddle interested him and he spent all his time trying to get to the bottom of it. In fact, this is how he learned mathematics. What do we learn from this example? You need to appear as a mystery to your Aquarius man. Make him interested in you, but don’t be too quick to give him all the answers. Just don’t say anything. Make him believe that your actions are imbued with a great mystery. Play with the lack and attraction of the unknown. Believe me, it will make him addicted and obsessed to find out more about you.

Be his partner, his friend, his confidante

It is very important for you to know that his friends are the most important people to him. He will never go out with anyone who is not part of his circle of friends. Even if he did, he would not take the relationship seriously. So try to win his trust through the friendship route before leading him to a romantic altar. But don’t get to the point where the friendship is not romantic, sensual or sexually passionate at all. That’s why it’s important to maintain some mystery around you. So that he knows that if he wants to go further, he needs a different kind of commitment. It will only take one more step to conquer him and he will really fall in love.

6. Do not show negative emotions

If there is one thing he will never respond to, it is negativity of emotions or feelings. You will always have to find a positive way to say things. Anger, drama and jealousy will push him away from you. If he knows he can count on you to bring light into his life, he will never let you go. There are very few people in his life who are like that. Believe it or not, even in their own family, Aquarians cannot find people who can be consistently positive towards them. So they really appreciate this quality in the people they love. If you ever want to criticise him, try to do so in a non-confrontational way.

7. make sure you are always supportive of him.

Just as he can’t find enough people with a positive attitude, he can’t find enough people to support him. Let him know that you are there for him. And that you believe in him. He will get crazy ideas. But you have to trust his instincts and intellect to get him on the right track. If you are the only person he can always rely on, he will never let you go. If you find it difficult to always support him, develop mechanisms to help you communicate your concerns to him in a positive way.

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