Which zodiac signs go well together in love

Which zodiac signs go well together in love

There is always some madness in love. But there is always some sanity in the madness. So why do some relationships just work and others don’t? Which men and women go well together and which don’t? With which star sign do I fit together? Basically, which zodiac signs go best together in love and for a relationship?

Here’s everything astrology tells us about compatibility in love between the zodiac signs, and some more about our personalities, affections and secret desires.

Zodiac signs and love

But what is simple is that we and our love relationships are determined by a few basic characteristics. These characteristics are derived from the zodiac sign under which we and our love lives are born. So these zodiac signs also control most of it. So, some personalities and characters go very well together, others simply is. You could try and try but nothing good will ever come out of it.This is not because of us but the fact that these zodiac signs just don’t go together for a relationship. So it is advisable to follow the advice of astrology. So with which sign of the zodiac do I get along well?


(March 21 – April 19)
People born under this zodiac sign know that they deserve the best this world has to offer. So they are always looking for the one who stands out. In this process, however, they neglect what is best for themselves and often find a fault or two with those who stand in their way. Another important factor is their inability to act patiently. Everything has to happen now, the sooner the better. If it doesn’t, Aries lose the patience to see it through on a project. And, they can’t stand not knowing something. They are the most curious people, and they can’t help poking their nose into other people’s business. They absolutely have to know everything, want to know exactly who is doing what, when, where and why. When we talk about love, however, it’s good to give the other person some leeway – and sometimes not to want to know everything.


(April 20 – May 20)
It is the fear of love that keeps people born under this sign of the zodiac from loving. It doesn’t matter if it is their own past experience or that of the people around them. They know that love can hurt and they will run away at the speed of light. They are thinkers and have to analyse everything before making a decision. Even if they find the love of their life, they will think twice. The bull, despite its horns, does not attack everything directly. It wants to be considered. Only if the partner assures them of loyalty through words or, better, deeds, will a relationship be considered.


(May 21 – June 20)
The dual nature of this zodiac is a problem, not only for others, but also for themselves. They cannot predict how they will react to certain things and therefore always live in fear of messing things up. This fear makes them refrain from falling in love, you don’t want to do anything wrong. Geminis are also not known to like taking risks. Therefore, they would rather not fall in love than have to deal with having to fight for love. Even the most stable and mentally strong of this zodiac will behave irrationally and unpredictably in situations. They are like a ticking bomb. Should this bomb explode, the relationship will explode with it.


(June 21 – July 22)
The sensitivity of this zodiac sign can also be felt in their love life. Those who know a Cancer certainly agree. But that’s also the problem, because they hate to be hurt, but especially when others are hurt. They are often concerned about others. They are not afraid of the idea of comforting someone who is joking, of shouldering some suffering. What they cannot bear, however, is to cause that pain themselves. People of this zodiac know that they would never consciously hurt anyone. It is the unconscious self that they are afraid of. So instead of falling in love and enjoying it, they prefer to stay single and serve everyone else in need, but leave themselves out because they don’t want to hurt anyone.


(23 July – 22 August)
I love to use the lion as an analogy to all lions in general. This animal is not just simply the symbol of the zodiac sign, the royally portrayed lion the people from its zodiac sign just very often very well. So, let’s begin. How do you imagine a king? Control over everything and anything, right? How would a king feel about giving up that position? History already teaches us, no king abdicated voluntarily, or at least only very very few. So it already suggests, that doesn’t go down well at all. The same way Leos look at love. They feel that love will take control of their lives. If someone takes over their private life, they don’t know what to do. But it doesn’t always have to be like this – love is not always meant to take control of you Leo. Love is supposed to show you that it is possible to go through thick and thin by your side,


(August 23 – September 22)
Virgos can be very critical of everyone and everything around them. You wonder how they would feel if they were criticised? Don’t even ask about that. They are their own biggest critics. This self-criticism prevents them from letting love in. People born under this zodiac sign always feel that they have to earn what they get first. So when the question of love comes up, they cannot forgive themselves for their past mistakes. They always feel that what they did before will come back and ruin the present.

Learn to forgive yourself. The fact that you acknowledge your mistakes is proof that you will work on not repeating them!


(September 23 – October 22)
Libra’s are the friendliest of all the zodiac signs. They are known for spreading love like no other zodiac sign. There is only one person they have not learned to love. Themselves. They always feel that they don’t deserve the love they get, so they keep running away from it. Not because they have made some mistakes in the past, but only because they don’t think their meagre existence is worthy. You cannot move on unless you learn to love yourself, dear Libra. This will not only help your personality but also increase your ability to love others. So, learn to love yourself! You are awesome!


(October 23 – November 21)
Scorpios are always ready to sting those who get too close. It may not seem like it, but people born under this zodiac sign are very sensitive. Zodiac sign and love – you can see this relationship particularly well here too. They may not be sensitive to the people around them (until they are put in a situation where others were before), but they are very sensitive to their own selves. So it takes them a very long time to trust someone. Whenever someone tries to get closer to them, they start doubting their intentions. If people don’t judge exactly from what distance they should show affection to a Scorpio, they might get stung. So step by step.


(22 November – 21 December)
The free-spirited Sagittarius cannot imagine being trapped by something like love. They can’t stand being static. People born with this zodiac sign like to keep things moving. So the idea of something holding you down and pressing you to the ground is unimaginable. Whenever they approach anything resembling a bond, they panic. It is pure stress and they try to get as far away as possible. The way out of such behaviour is to look for someone who can walk beside you, at the same pace.


(December 22 – January 19)
People born in this zodiac are very impressive. And a Capricorn is a goat, remember. She remembers things, and she relates to them, and then she doesn’t believe it, that things can be better one day. So if a Capricorn has been hurt several times in the past, they will stay away from love. So if they have been single for too long, they are afraid to allow anything to happen to their lonely paradise. So the Capricorn will also always run away from anything that threatens to even remotely limit their current happiness and contentment. Or their supposed state of happiness.


(January 20 – February 18)
Aquarians excel at everything they do. So why shouldn’t they be the ones you want to love. Not to mention, Aquarians will be the ones to decide who to be with anyway. Strange, isn’t it? But that’s how it is. Aquarians have very high and firm standards for those they will love. Anyone who can’t even come close to a single percent is not worth taking a chance on. While this is not a bad approach, Aquarians need to understand that accepting someone’s faults is not the answer. If you have found someone truly worthy of your love, you probably won’t even mind their drawbacks in the long run. So, don’t refuse love!


(February 19 – March 20)
You are a zodiac sign that is quick to love. This is not a weakness, but it certainly makes you vulnerable to predators. Now the wise Pisces does everything carefully. Once bitten, twice shy, right? But remember that you have something very powerful that no other sign of the zodiac has. Your mind. Trust your well-developed instincts and try to keep your feelings on a leash. Understand the one who offers you the promise of love and you will surely find out what is best for you. No one wants to get hurt, and I understand that you don’t either. But even the risk doesn’t always have to mean that you’re actually jumping into a dark abyss. Sometimes you just have to get involved with someone, and the mix of reason and feelings is not necessarily bad.




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